My Top 10 List (Stuff I’m learning)
1. It’s not about bowing down to get God to like you; It’s about bowing down because you understand how much He already does. Read 1...
I Give Myself Away
Jimmy: A Homeless Man’s Wisdom
Some days you just bump into God everywhere. You can see Him and hear Him because He has inexhaustible means of reaching us with the good...
Lord I Need You
Speed Waiting
“I took a course in speed waiting. Now I can wait an hour in only ten minutes.” – Steven Wright My friend has a Lamborghini and it goes...
Closed For Inventory
I walked past a jewelry store in a mall the other day during a busy shopping hour and noticed it was closed. Lights were on, I saw...
When No One Knows Your Name
“He’s been in 25,000 automobile accidents.” That’s what the doctors said when assessing the neurological damage of Mike Webster, the...
The Power of Remembering
The other day I pulled out my cell phone, typed a quick message to myself as a reminder and proceeded to email it to myself. I stuck the...
"Quasirunnishwaddlestep" My guess is that if you’re reading...