Random Thought
“Better for Jesus to photobomb our worship service Sunday than to try and photoshop Him in on Monday.” ~ Stefan Youngblood
Stripping Down
The other day I ran across a really cool recording. A single voice. One child. 12 years old. You’d be amazed at what I heard. There had...
When Down is Really Up
What do you do when life reverses and takes you backwards and down instead of forward and up? Such was the experience of dozens of...
Cleaning Supplies for 2013
Life gets messy and dirty. People do too. Babies… Well, that’s a whole other story. As my daughter Corin dropped off my granddaughter...
Resolutions and Wait Loss
“I know something you don’t know.” Remember saying that as a kid or maybe hearing it from that obnoxious brother or sister? Well, as we...