Free Willy…and Me
This past spring I took a short trip to Atlanta to visit the Aquarium. I wanted to see the huge game-fish on “display.”...
Fans, Followers, and Bratwurst
I heard recently that according to surveys, a “regular” church goer in the USA is a person who attends church at least once a ...
Dog Costumes
“Guess what,” my little friend said. “What?” I answered. “My dog’s gonna be dressed up as a hot dog on Halloween… and I’m ...
Stained Glass and Stained People
“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their...
Hope and Craigslist
There was an ad in the newspaper that read: “Hope chest: Brand new, half price, long story.” Hope is a funny thing. Charles...