Resolutions and Wait Loss
“I know something you don’t know.” Remember saying that as a kid or maybe hearing it from that obnoxious brother or sister? Well, as we halt the “season of giving” and enter the “season of resolutions,” God knows something we don’t know. His plans for us. Greater than we could imagine and better than our best dream, His plans are perfectly designed for our good and His glory.
New Years is all about plans and resolutions, but nowadays there seems to be far more talk about breaking resolutions than making them. There are more Tweets, Facebook posts, and even more sermons about keeping the change than seeking to change. Someone once said, “If you wanna make God laugh, show Him your plans.” Doesn’t mean don’t plan. Oh, God’s got plans alright. He’s got a future. But if we really think we can do it by discipline and self striving alone, we risk making a 360 degree change. That’s a full circle back to where we started. Our hearts need 180 degree change in God’s direction. We need radical repentance, not ridiculous resolutions. I’m not sure if that’s gonna be a popular topic or sermon series to begin the new year, but it may be the main ingredient for lasting change. In fact, to put this in modern language (and keep you reading) maybe you could say, “iRepent because iSin.” Oh, and there’s even an app for that. The application of God’s word. The Bible is no doubt the best survey of our behavior to find what’s broken. But more than attempting to fix our broken selves with resolutions, we need God’s help to perhaps “resolutionize”our thinking. And this part requires waiting.
Our fad diets fade because we haven’t searched our hearts first. Maybe weight loss is the number one resolution of 2018 because of “wait loss.” The disdain of waiting for anything. The problem that needs changing isn’t just negative choices, bad spending, or unhealthy eating, it’s sin in our hearts that tempts us to make godless choices. But God searches our hearts and lovingly and gently shows us what we need to see. “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” Psalm 139:23-24 So, as we begin this year, lets start by turning back to God, consecrating ourselves, and then we can respond with resolutions. My first three resolutions this year? They start with the letter “r” to make it easy for me to remember. Reflect, repent, and return…to Jesus.
Stefan Youngblood
Director of Contemporary Worship