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Die Fear Die

Hey Friends,

Last week at this time I was in a radio station in Washington DC about to do a live interview on our music project in Haiti. After greeting the station manager and DJ, they had me sit and wait in an outside room until my segment was to start. The red light over the glass studio window kept blinking, “On Air”. Each time it did, it triggered my palms to sweat. Profusely. My heart was racing. I read through my cue cards. A crippling fear of messing up a live radio show. (Sitting at the piano bench and enduring Doug and Lisa’s jabs was nothing compared to this)

Finally they called me in. I put on the headphones, and the DJ said, “Hey, relax, I’m just gonna ask you a few questions.” (My dentist has also used that line) I did relax though. And it went well…except for the part where, when the DJ introduced me as Steven, I told the entire DC area that my mom even sometimes calls me by the wrong name. I thought it was funny. I found out later she was not amused. The point is, fear and doubt rob us of so much life, freedom, and health. And yet, Jesus loves us too much to leave us in doubt and fear about His grace. His love dispels all fear.

Perhaps one of my greatest joys in The Gathering is seeing people freed up to realize that God’s love does NOT waiver. Neither does His presence. We cannot go where God is not. Look into the storm; that’s Christ coming toward you. Divorce, job loss, sickness, doubt, loneliness, habits and addictions? Perhaps the storms where He does his best work, and has our keenest attention. And if you listen close you’ll here Him saying to YOU, “Don’t be afraid. Take courage. I am here.”

A Healthy church is where fears go to die. We pierce them through with scripture, psalms of celebration and lament. We melt them in the sunlight of confession. We extinguish them with the waterfall of worship, choosing to gaze at God, not our dreads.” ~ Max Lucado in Fearless

Things to remember:

~ Would you like to see Lisa figure skating, Doug on the luge, and Pastor Ned playing ice hockey? Well, I can’t help you. But keep inviting people to The Gathering. It’s grown at an astonishing rate. Your thirst will be refreshed, and our new series, A Better Facebook, is the perfect time to invite a guest. We have a guarantee God will be there.

~ We need 50 more people to make meals for Haiti through Stop Hunger Now, next Saturday, March 6th from 4-6. I was in an orphanage a few weeks ago and had the exact meals you‘ll be making. Those kids could be eating the meals you package. See Renae today or go to the missions page at

~ We’re sending tents and supplies to Haiti Sunday. Still looking for 1 very small lightweight single tent, 2 basic GSM cell phones w/cameras, and a small digital camera/video camera. Need them by Saturday morning. Email me or call 345-2971

OK, Have a great week. Be encouraged. The best is yet to come. God loves you…so Fear Not! Next time the devil reminds you of your past remind him of his future.

Still in one Peace,

Stefan Youngblood


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