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After Easter

We asked folks to tell us how they personally experienced God at the Gathering on Easter Sunday. Here are a few of the replies:

~ This was by far the best Easter service I’ve been to. It was welcoming, non-judgmental, and real. We’ll come back next week to help make meals for the homeless.

~ I experienced an awesome touch from the Lord, that even in my brokenness He still loves me.

~ I needed God to touch my son on Easter morning. At the end of the service the artist drawing in sand touched my son reminding me that He is designing, and creating a plan in the sand of our lives.

~ I love singing, “How Great Thou Art.” That song has been my father’s favorite for years and he sits in a nursing home today requesting that song every Sunday at their worship service.  I grew up hearing and repeating so many things and never really wondering what they meant or why people  said them. It moved me to tears and gave me chills.

~  The love of God for me takes my worries away. I needed that reminder.

~ I suppose most of my satisfaction had to do with the manner in which Christ was presented where HE conquered death and offers hope to all.

~ I was confronted with the reality of “Resurrection” power. There is no more potent force than the ability to turn death into life.

~ I personally experienced God this Easter since I am now a parent. I cannot even grasp the enormity of sacrificing my child let alone making the sacrifice knowing that there would be suffering for him to endure it gave me an entirely different perspective on God’s love for me.

~ The resurrection…is personal.

When asked what it is from Easter Sunday that lingers, and effect you today, people replied:

~ How important it is to live for Christ based on the sacrifice He made for us.

~ Just thinking about His unconditional love and that He gave His life to forgive my sins is truly amazing.

~  “God’s never changing love and commitment to me despite all of my shortcomings.”

~ God made a huge break through for me this year. I finally realized that He has risen indeed and I felt exactly how personal it was and is!

~ What keeps lingering in me is, “Life is worth living, just because he lives.”

~ “I am still thinking about that sacrifice today. It was just so different from me this year.”

~ The last song that I expected to have such an impact on me, “Christ is Risen” has resonated in my spirit since the service. “O death, where is your sting? Oh hell, where is your victory?”  He called Mary by her name, and it amazes me that He knows my name.

Our faith is made evident to the world through love for God and each other. This week, be bold, radical, grateful, compassionate, holy and loving. Someone needs the risen Jesus living in you.


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