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3 Words Change Everything

One of the things we say around The Gathering (Our Sunday morning Contemporary service) is that “Every one counts.”  That’s actually our tagline behind our 11:11 service.  But I heard another step recently: “Every number has a name, every name has a story and every story matters to God.”  In your darkest of times God’s right there with you.  In fact, the Word of God, or better called “the words of God,” we learn of a Father relentless in His love even after knowing the worst about each of us, and showing through His Son Jesus that we matter.  So much so that He died for us.  To know everything about us (even the sin we may fall into down the road) and still love us completely is a staggering truth.

Exodus 2:24-25 puts it like this “And God heard their groaning . . . God saw the people of Israel and God knew.” 

Three powerful words “And God knew.”  We do not serve a blind God.  We do not serve an ignorant God.  Nor do we serve an indifferent God.  Whatever pain you are going through today, know this: GOD KNOWS.

When God knows he cares. When God cares he acts. Just as he saved his people from their suffering in Exodus he has acted to save us in Jesus. However long it may seem to take, however hard life may seem to get, you can take comfort from the sure and certain truth: God knows.

God will act to save you.  Patiently wait for him. If you have to wait decades, keep trusting.  This world is not our home.  We can expect difficulties from time to time.  But we can take courage form the fact that God is in the business of delivering us.  Remember today those three words “And God knew.”

It was a young member of my worship team that suggested a beautiful song to me this week.  I listened and heard these powerful words, “Asking where You are Lord, wondering where You’ve been is like standing in a hurricane trying to find the wind.” ~ C. Nockels

Be assured today that God knows you, and you matter to Him. There’s no place like HOPE,

Stefan Youngblood <!–[if !mso]>

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